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Download Route Generator

Download Route Generator


Route Generator is released under the GPL license, this means you can use and distribute it for free. (See README.txt in the downloaded zip-file for more details)


If you like the product or encourage the development, please use one of the buttons below to make a donation.


The latest version is available on the SourceForge project page, where you can optionally download older versions as well. Or use the direct links below, depending on your OS.


The application has only been tested on Windows 10, but should also work on Windows 11. An installer can be downloaded that installs Route Generator incuding FFpmeg and bmp2avi.

If an older version of Route Generator is still installed, it is recommended to uninstall it first!

v1.12.0 routegen-win64-1.12.0.exe 64 bits
v1.9.1 routegen-win32-1.9.1.exe 32 bits


Linux users can now also download an installer. Make executable (chmod +x) and run. The Route_Generator-x86_64.AppImage is unfortunately only available for the previous version.

v1.12.0 Ubuntu 22.04 64 bits
v1.10.0 Route_Generator-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage AppImage 64 bits

Source code

The source code builds on Windows and Linux, but should also build on mac OS. I have not tested this myself.

v1.11.0 SourceForge / GitHub src